Quick Write: Identify the people, places, or things, ideas that make life worth living for you personally.
I believe the people who make life living for me are my parents, well mainly my family because they are the ones who support me the most on many of my decisions, but i also believe that me myself i make my life worth living because i know how to enjoy living my life very well, i make sure i have fun and so forth.
Observation: I observed that living with locked-in syndrome is not something easy to handle, you cant move any part of your body which must be very struggling for the person.
Two Questions:
1. Can a person with locked-in syndrome recover?
2. How do they learn to control their way of speaking?
I feel bad for anybody who is out there living with this type of syndrome, i wouldnt want no person to go through that.
Questions about Jean-Dominique Bauby
How was he able to write a memoir only by using one eye?
How long did it take him to write his memoir?
What makes life worth living are all the things you are able to accomplish day by day, such as attending school, work, being to spend time with your family, friends, etc.
Very eloquent comments, especially your final reflection. 3-2-1 means three observations. You observed only one thing, but it did cover a lot!